TOPSHOT - Susi Rahmatia, 26, holds her second child (R) and Jumadil (L), 5, after he went missing for seven days following the earthquake and tsunami, at a shelter in Palu on October 5, 2018. Susi Rahmatia thought her five-year-old son Jumadil was dead, but on Friday -- a week after they were separated by Indonesia's earthquake and tsunami – they enjoyed a miraculous and emotional reunion. / AFP / ADEK BERRY
TOPSHOT - Susi Rahmatia, 26, holds her second child (R) and Jumadil (L), 5, after he went missing for seven days following the earthquake and tsunami, at a shelter in Palu on October 5, 2018. Susi Rahmatia thought her five-year-old son Jumadil was dead, but on Friday -- a week after they were separated by Indonesia's earthquake and tsunami – they enjoyed a miraculous and emotional reunion. / AFP / ADEK BERRY
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ا ف ب (باولو)
حذرت فرق الإغاثة من تفشي الأمراض اليوم (السبت) جراء كارثة الزلزال والتسونامي في إندونيسيا، بعد انتشال مزيد من الجثث المتحللة من تحت الأنقاض في مدينة بالو المنكوبة.

وقال مسؤولون إن أعداد القتلى ارتفعت إلى 1649 فيما لا يزال أكثر من ألف في عداد المفقودين.